Group Vision Plan
Why VSP?
The VSP Vision Plan provides affordable, comprehensive eye care, helping clients save on eye exams, glasses, and contacts while supporting long-term vision health. With access to a wide network of providers, clients can easily find quality care nearby and enjoy discounts on essential vision needs. This plan offers peace of mind by reducing out-of-pocket costs and promoting proactive eye health.
Why Everyone Needs Vision Care
Vision is more critical to a benefits package than you might think. Employees who have a vision benefit are nearly twice as satisfied with their benefits—and are more than twice as likely to say benefits are a reason they stay with their employer.
Employees need vision care
3 in 4
adults need vision correction.²
1 in 4
children need vision correction.²
9 in 10
employees say visual issues affect their quality of work.³
Powerful preventive care
Only 1 in 5
American Adults
get an annual
eye exam.⁴
6 in 10
VSP® Members
get an annual
WellVision Exam®.⁵
34% of the time
VSP Doctors
are the first to detect
signs of diabetes.⁶
$2,787 savings
Over Two Years
for every employee who
seeks care for diabetes
after early identification.⁶
Increased employee satisfaction
Employee Loyalty and Engagement Employees satisfied with their benefits are 2X more loyal.⁷ ⁷
99% Satisfaction VSP members report 99% satisfaction.⁵
VSP Member Promise Satisfaction Guarantee Your employees will be happy or we’ll make it right.
The right vision benefit can improve employee health and productivity, while lowering healthcare costs.
Add value to your benefits package with a VSP plan.
Sources: 1 Matlo Sening Eye to Eye on Vision Bunft, 2013; 2. Vision Counca, VisionWatch December 2014; 3. Transtions 2015 Employes Parcapons of Vision anal survey, 4. American Jumalat Preventive Medicine 2012, 42, haue 2.164-73 5 VSP data. 6. Human Capital Management Services, Inc. pHCMD) on behalf of VBP.2043 7. Med 11th Annual Buty of Exileyen Baras Trands, 2013
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